
jining_moored_bargesArt credit

Moored Barges at Yuejin Port, Jining, Shandong Province, China (PRC)
Philipp Scholz Rittermann, 2010, archival inkjet print mounted to Dibond. Courtesy of the artist.

Fine art consulting and appraisal for San Diego and Southern California

Thompson Fine Art App Services, LLC™ is a comprehensive fine art advisory firm offering professional services to institutional and individual clients including asset and collections management, appraisal, and sale. We advise on and appraise many forms of fine art, with specializations in the art and photography of the Americas and Asia.

We prepare appraisals for insurance scheduling and loss, charitable donation, estate planning, estate tax, equitable division, and divorce settlement. Our appraisals are compliant with national standards, and, where applicable, IRS regulations.

Please request a consultation or email us for more information.